Literacy Initiative

According to recent data, the United States ranks 125th in the world for Literacy. This isn’t just ridiculous it’s heartbreaking.

According to Reading is Fundamental (RIF), “…more than 25 million American children cannot read proficiently.” Here we are in the wealthiest country in the world, and our kids still can’t read?

We are graduating people from high school who can’t write well or read a book or get a good-paying job. That is absurd – and we want to do something to help.

So, our founder, Gery Deer, thought about how he got here. “Literacy is the silver bullet to poverty, ignorance, and socioeconomic issues. My mother, Lois Deer, started me reading very early. I was given books of all kinds, some with read-along records. My favorite book was, ‘The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. I read it over and over. I still have my original copy.” Later, Gery’s interests in both humor and sci-fi led him to Douglas Adams and “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.” Eventually, he got a job writing for his college paper, and the rest is history. Now he wants to help others have the same chance at literacy.

We are asking you to join us in helping children (and adults) experience that same kind of success – through literacy. When you give books to kids, whole families get involved. Parents who read to children not only help their kids but improve their own literacy. And … Literacy is Power!

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. – a business that’s very existence is based on literacy – we have launched the GLD ENTERPRISES COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL LITERACY INITIATIVE!  Throughout this year, we will be raising money for Reading is Fundamental (RIF), the nation’s largest children’s literacy nonprofit.

In addition to honoring Douglas Adams, we are dedicating this initiative to others who inspired Gery to be a writer and without whom this effort would never have been possible including Gery’s Mom, Lois Deer, and children’s authors Hildegarde H. Swift, Lynd Ward [The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge].

Like Gery, RIF believes every child deserves an opportunity to own books, learn how to read, and obtain the fundamental building blocks to achieve their highest potential. Literacy opens doors and enables every child the chance to live their own journey.

Your generous donation can provide books, eBooks, and reading resources to those who need them most.

Our special thanks to the Hitchhikers / Douglas Adams fans and!

*Gery was the official 2022 Intergalactic Towel Day Ambassador, representing fans of Douglas Adams and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy during a special holiday held each May 25th known as “Towel Day.”

Read about Gery’s connection to “The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge.”