3-2-1 Profits – The Networking – S1:E1

Welcome to 3-2-1 PROFIT$ – The Podcast, the show that presents insights and experience from business experts.

Your host is GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. CEO, Senior Writer, and Business Coach, Gery Deer. Each hour-long episode features an interview with an expert from a wide range of business topics from startup funding to succession planning.

In this episode, our guest expert is Darrel Bender, the Regional Director of the Miami Valley region of BNI (Business Networking International).

BNI is the world’s largest referral networking organization, with more than 10,000 chapters and 275,000 members worldwide. Gery and Darrel discuss how to make the most out of your networking opportunities. In this episode, they’ll tackle questions like …



How are you finding your networking opportunities?

How has networking changed since the COVID-19 Pandemic?

What do you do to maintain relationships you’ve built with business associates?

You can listen to this episode on any of your favorite podcast services, or click HERE to listen online now!


Related Resources on GLDEnterprises.Net:

Article: Networking Takes Time

Article: 7 Tips for Getting More From Your One-To-Ones

Video: The Great Marketing Triad (2014)



3-2-1 Profits is Produced and Engineered by Julie Barth.

Directed and Hosted by Gery Deer

Production Graphic Design by Taylor Huggins Media.

Promotional considerations provided by GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd., our advertisers, and guests of the program.